But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lilies of the Field

So this is my very first post. Really, I am starting this blog for myself. Writing for me is therapeutic. But my prayer is that as I share my thoughts, someone else will be encouraged by them. I myself was encouraged by someone else to start this blog. And I got the inspiration for the name from a book I recently read by Hannah Whitall Smith. Here is an excerpt from her book, A Christian's Secret of a Happy Life...

💮🌱Consider the Lilies🌱💮

"Our job is to grow in the Lord as the lilies or babies grow, without care or anxiety. He who planted us, has made us to grow. The lilies don't toil or strain. But through the nurturing care of God, the care of the gardener, the heat of the sun, and the falling rain, it grows and buds and blossoms into the beautiful plant God meant it to be. What we all need is to 'consider the lilies of the field' and learn their secret. Grow, by all means, but grow in God's way. See to it that you are planted in grace and then let the divine Husbandman cultivate you in His own way and by His own means. Put yourself out in the sunshine of His presence and let the dew of heaven come down upon you. But the thinnest covering may serve to keep off the sunshine and dew. So the slightest barrier between your soul and Christ may cause you to dwindle and fade as a plant hidden under a bush. Keep the sky clear. Receive the blessed influences your divine Husbandman may bring to bear upon you. Bask in the sunshine of His love. Keep your face upturned to Him as the flowers do the sun. Look, and your soul will live and grow. He makes His sun to shine and His dew to fall upon us. He transforms the very things that were our greatest hindrances to be the most blessed means of our growth. And if He sends storms, or winds, or rains, or sunshine, all must be accepted at His hands with the most unwavering confidence that He, who has undertaken to cultivate us and to bring us to maturity, knows the very best way of accomplishing His end. So we must learn to step aside to let God work. We must be content to leave the cultivating, growing, training, pruning to our good Husbandman, who alone is able to manage these things. We must not be engaged in watching self, but in 'looking unto Jesus.' For those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God."

I love that. If we ever wonder if God hears our prayers, if He cares - let us "consider the lilies." He knows just what we need. 

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
Matthew 6:28‭-‬29 

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,  what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"

Psalms 8:3‭-‬4 

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